Malala is a great figure in the face of danger. She has fought for rights of people and their education. Without her being an inspirational figure for education, Iraq education wouldn't have a face and hope would be lost. Malala is just 16 and has been through the most imaginable and it is hard to believe the challenges she has faced within her lifetime. Featured on shows and the news, Malala has grown on people's imagination and her integrity to have a peaceful world where education is free for any and all. From her, I have learned the value in education and the understanding of importance when something is taken away from you

The Importance of Anything

Freedom... we have the freedom of something that you hold dear in your life,
The freedom to love,
The freedom to give
The freedom to cherish all that you can because
But if you conceal yourself and shut yourself down with limits and boundaries
That is when freedom cannot be spoken or heard of because of the walls you put in front of yourself
It can be impossible to understand freedom if you can't know it from yourself
If you can't understand Freedom
You don't have purpose
And it is because of a purpose that people have importance
To understand Importance, you think of how it has to be earned because it is to be earned.
Terrorism, cruelty, fighting, pain, anguish, frustration, disagreements... war
It is because of importance that people fight for
And it is something so cherished that some people feel the need to take that away from you
Malala thought otherwise because she grew importance
She was shot in the head because of importance
importance is more than something we look up to
It is a movement that brings nations together to find a purpose, a freedom, and war
having importance is important and so we strive

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